About: Mark Boundy
Non-medical Prescriber & Ultrasound Guided Injector
After completing a Biology BSc my journey to help others optimise their lives started in 2004 when I began my physiotherapy studies at King’s College, London.
On graduation I practiced within the NHS for eight years. I decided to continue my studies in 2015 with an MSc. in Manual Therapy which, through stringent clinical placements and examinations, allowed me to become a member of the MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists).
Combining my academic and hospital experience I moved into private practice at Oxford Sports Physio & Pilates. Utilising a gym setting and pilates studio, I was able to help rehabilitate higher level athletes such as GB rowers and Oxford University sport’s team members.
Today I would say I am an expert generalist, having developed an excellent ability to clinically reason through musculoskeletal issues, as my reviews hopefully show. I don’t promote myself as specialising in any particular area, this is as I love treating all areas of the body neck, shoulder, knee etc and do not to want to narrow the conditions that I get to treat.
I do however have a special interest in ultrasound and injection therapy and combine these to be as accurate and effective as possible. with these skills and being able to prescribe medication I can provide a full a spectrum of musculoskeletal conservative treatments as possible.

As the clinical director of Rebound Physiotherapy it is my mission to provide the best experience for you via a thorough considered approach to you as an individual, a great environment to be treated in and overall an excellent outcome.
Education (most recent)
University accredited:
- PG Cert in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Candidate June 2025 – Sport Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG)
- Non-Medical Prescribing – University of Chester
- Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM) Theory and Practice of Injection Therapy – Qualified to administer injectables to joints and tendons
- PG Cert Musculoskeletal Medicine – Allowing membership of the Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM)
- MSc. Manual Therapy (inc examined clinical placements) Allowing membership of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)
- Foundation of Acupuncture & Dry Needling
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy – King’s College London.
- BSc (Hons) Biology – University of Sheffield.
Clinical interest:
- Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG) Cadaveric US Guided MSK Injection
- Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG) Introduction to MSK Ultrasound.
Side Projects:
- Surgical Teaching (Co-Owner and lead animator) – Awarded money from venture capital to produce an online medical education site to teach junior doctors and medical students surgery. Youtube channel